Are you looking for work? We are hiring part time and full time positions. You too can work from home, create your own schedule and make a meaningful impact helping families.
80% starting commission 💰 for new agents
The plan goes all the way up to 130% 💰💰💰😎
Commission is earned on monthly sales 🔑
Average commission on a single sale is $8️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
And most of our carriers pay the next day! 🤯
We have plenty of agents making 10➕sales a week!
✖️no waiting for months to get paid
✖️no dependence on friends and family
✖️no gimmicks
✖️no BS
You get licensed✅
You get trained ✅
You start helping clients✅
✖️no cap
💪🏻your commissions are based on your level of drive, tenacity, and work ethic 🔥
We call this….
“A business in a box”
And spoiler alert ….one of our core values is HAVE FUN AND GET STUFF DONE ✅ 🎊❤️
You DO get to…..
🎯work from home
🎯build your own schedule
🎯choose who you work with
🎯build multiple streams of income
🎯receive mentorship
🎯earn ownership
You can also earn all kinds of bonuses! Our company paid our $13.6 million in bonuses in 2023 🤯
I like bonuses. You??💰
Combine all this with our
amazing culture 🥳
travel opportunities 🛫
Technology 📽️
And access to all our top rated carriers…..
Lives will be changed ❤️
If you have been watching, yeah stop that. It's time to talk📞. It's your turn. 💡
Our company is continually breaking records week after week. Month after month. But the best part is there's plenty of room at the table for YOU!
We. Are. Hiring. ⏰
Call me at 270 ###-####